Looking back, if I could rewrite my life story into something that was easier and more pleasant, I honestly don’t think I would. My faith would still be existent, but I don’t think it would be nearly as strong.
When I was in the 5th grade I was in a nearly fatal car accident. Though I was lucky enough to survive, I had facial injuries that resulted in over 150 stitches in my face and would later need plastic surgery. As a young girl who was just approaching middle school (undoubtedly the most superficial time of our lives), I had reason to worry.
Jesus met me right where I was at and I embraced my new “strength mark” as I liked to say. To this day, my looks aren’t something I worry too much about because through this experience, I was forced to make what was on the inside count.
As I began the 6th grade, my mother began to struggle with addiction and mental illness. This was a difficult time for my family as we had a lot of unprecedented changes. Though I was angry and sad, I also learned that through faith you can find the strength to forgive. This allowed me to support my mother through jail time, treatment, etc. without feeling the weight of anger. I also formed relationships with amazing people that helped through this difficult time in my life and that I truly believe God placed right in my path.
My last “trial” so to speak came about a year and a half ago. I was in another nearly fatal car accident where I suffered from a traumatic brain injury. For the record, I didn’t cause either of these accidents in case you are wondering about my driving skills!
Though my previous two experiences were difficult, this was one where I literally went “why me?” or “Haven’t I suffered enough?” But that’s the thing, as God has shown me with so many different Bible stories, he gets us through all of it.
Though I still suffer with symptoms of anxiety and depression as a result of my brain injury, my faith is the one thing that is always consistent. My favorite Bible verse comes from Philippians 4:13:
I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13
This verse has held true in so many different aspects of my life. Not only does God give me the strength to get through things, but I don’t have to do them alone. My strength comes from Him. And that is what true wellness means to me.
Find more True Wellness stories HERE
To learn more about Emma and her story, along with some great insights about life and faith, check out her blog at: www.theemmatorial.com.
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