Some people are so driven – they have a task or goal in mind and they work until they reach it. My husband is like this. My sister is like this. I greatly admire their ability to get things done. They are consistent with what they know they need to do. Others, like me, struggle to stay on task. Self-motivation is not my strong suit.
I have followed Jesus since the age of 9, raised in a loving Christian home by two amazing God-honouring parents. I don’t remember a time when faith didn’t play a huge role in my life and in our home. It seems like it has just always existed in my world. I have been blessed!
That doesn’t mean I’ve always worked hard to keep maturing my faith. I often lack drive and can be calloused when it comes to growing and deepening my walk with the Lord. I struggle with being disciplined. I would love to be in shape, but don’t want to put the time into working out. I want to be a strong woman of faith, but I can be lax in putting in the effort it takes to know God and grow in His ways. I know this is good and right and will bring forth good fruit in my life; yet I am so easily distracted and indifferent. My lack of discipline reminds me of what Paul says in Romans 7:15 – “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do”.
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. – Romans 7:15
The gift of having faith at a young age is one I will always be thankful for. I’m sure it has spared me from so much and God has been so good to me. But at the same time, I need to remind myself of the responsibility I have to dive in and grow deeper into God.
When I am consistently in God’s word, I find myself to be calmer, able to handle situations that come up, and more aware of His presence in each part of my day. There’s a knowing that I’m not on my own, that the Lord is by my side. When I talk often with God throughout my day, I see things differently. Challenges can look more like opportunities; I can go to Him with every thought and need I have in that moment (big or small).
For some reason, though, I find it easy to slack off and start to rely on my own strength. Before long, I begin to notice a change in my perspective, everything seems a little flatter, my attitude becomes negative, and I’m less content. The fruit in my life…love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, self-control…things that I long for, can’t keep growing if my focus and what I’m pouring into my life isn’t from the Lord.
The good news (great news!) is that although I am quick to drift away, God never leaves my side. He’s waiting for me to draw near to Him. He welcomes me with open arms and wants my life to feel restored. “I have come that they might have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
I have come that they might have life and have it to the full.” – John 10:10
In these challenging days that feel unstructured and long and we don’t know what the future holds, I feel challenged to dig into God and his instructions on living and growing in Him. I want to feel what He promises in Isaiah 26:3 “He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.”
He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you. – Isaiah 26:3
Doesn’t that sound wonderful? And though, like the songwriter, Robert Robinson who penned “Come Thou Found of Every Blessing” said, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love,” He gently and lovingly offers his grace again and again.
I need to be encouraged today, knowing God loves me deeply and wants me to draw close to him. I hope you’re encouraged too. Let’s pray for His help as we desire to lean into Him more consistently. The time we spend with God will not be in vain. “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” (James 4:8)
Come close to God, and God will come close to you. – James 4:8
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I love your story..i need to know you more.