In the walking, and the waiting, in the striving and the struggle sometimes heaven seems silent. And the silence can be deafening. Some days grey clouds hover over me with no words to ease the pain or grief or longings. Prayers rise from bended knees and yet no answers arrive at my door. … [Read more...] about Choose Gratitude
WCW Blog
Keep on Seeking
I’ve always cherished the songs of Jon Foreman, the lead singer of the popular band Switchfoot. It’s often when I am feeling a bit lost, or without the words to pray, that I’ll hear one of his songs and the lyrics will put words to what is happening in my heart. The song on repeat these days is … [Read more...] about Keep on Seeking
Daughter, I’m Here
The evening sun shines like shimmery gold on the river tonight. Peaceful and warm. Serenity for the soul. For my soul. My paddle dips easily in the quiet pewter river that lays like a sheet of glass. An osprey takes wing from a tall evergreen, crying out to his partner to join in the search for … [Read more...] about Daughter, I’m Here
Pack Away Christmas, Not Jesus
It’s time to pack away Christmas and I’m ready. To be honest it’s early for me, but this year I feel more than ready. I’m taking down the all decorations, ornaments and lights, and packing them away until next December. My pretty white ceramic angels get carefully wrapped and placed … [Read more...] about Pack Away Christmas, Not Jesus
Christmas in Life’s Messiness
I had this article neatly written out in my head last night. It was going to be a sweet little piece about the joys of having children. I was helping my daughter overcome her fears of the dark and thought, “Isn’t this nice. I can bring such comfort just by being here. Motherhood is so … [Read more...] about Christmas in Life’s Messiness
I Still Believe in Christmas
Can Christmas be boycotted? I like to think so. I want to know so. Is that even a “thing”? I long to hold it tightly and believe in the real possibility. Boycott maybe isn’t the right word. It’s not that I don’t like or even love Christmas. I do. I love all the traditions and feelings, the gift … [Read more...] about I Still Believe in Christmas