My life was uder chaos before I found my way back to Jesus.
Growing up in the small mountain town of Grande Cach, Alberta, I had what I consider to be the perfect childhood. My parents were very loving and supportive, and provided the structure and guidance that a young girl needed growing up; taking me to church every Sunday, supporting all of my interests and activities, and making sure we had a happy and structured upbringing. My father always found time every day to spend with his two girls, despite working 12 hour shifts at the local mine to provide the great life we enjoyed. One of my fondest memories is waking up at 4am every morning to walk with my dad to the bus stop to see him off before school.
That happy life I enjoyed was turned upside down when I was 13 years old. The mine abruptly closed down and my father lost his job of 30 years. Our family was forced to uproot and move to Edmonton, Alberta. My father, jobless and feeling defeated and hopeless, started a slow decline into a bi-polar break down. This is when my life started to go wrong. My father, due to his mental illness, subjected me to a lot of mental abuse and neglect during my teenage years. The man that was my hero as a little girl, became a sort of angry monster..
Being depressed and lacking the structure and support I needed at the time, I turned to drugs and an increasingly unsavory lifestyle as a way to fill the void in my life. I wont get into the details of this period in my life, but suffice it to say that I experienced a lot of pain and suffering during this period… and definitely caused a lot too. I was broken, lacking any resemblance of the happy, confident, well adjusted young woman that I longed to be. Jesus was all but gone from my soul, or was he?
In 2016 I moved from Alberta to Nova Scotia with my fiancé and my 11 month old son. I had no idea what God had put into action. I had brief sober times but nothing concrete enough to build a healthy life onto, but I started to attend Celebrate Recovery at Deepwater Church in July of 2017.
I was baptized September 30, 2018, finally giving my life back to Jesus Christ. My life took a drastic turn toward true freedom from my past. I worked my program and found freedom from my hurts, habits and hangups. I met amazing christian women that I surround myself with on a daily basis, one now being my best friend.
I never would have thought God would use my story to help change lives. To show those who are lost and broken that there is true wellness and freedom from your pain with Jesus.
I’ve been clean for nearly four years now. God is the centre of my life and everyday I get to open my eyes is another day I can show the world the love he has for everyone, no matter their past.
Happy are those who morn, for they shall be comforted. – Matthew 5:4
Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28
Find more True Wellness stories HERE
** Celebrate recovery groups can be found all over the world for anyone with hurts, hang-ups and habits that are holding you back from living the life God created you to live.
Dearest Katie,
You gave your life back to Jesus Christ. Now, He has everything mapped out for you. As your story unfolds, it becomes more and more apparent to me that I likely don’t know who you truly are anymore. Your heart and your mind and your spirit. He is transforming all of you. Right before our very eyes. Preparing you for the road ahead. Never again will you have to enter any space unprepared. The Holy Spirit is within and will always be your guide. You are a child of God. I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings for you.
I love you ❤️
Auntie Gertrude xo