Armchair chats are video chats from congregation members at Lake Echo Fellowship Baptist Church about how they have encountered Jesus and how He has impacted their lives.
Go to www.encounterswithjesus.cc for information on their annual October women’s conference in Halifax Nova Scotia and other events throughout the year.
Transcript (With minor changes from the original video for readability.):
I was raised in a Christian home. I grew up going to church. I grew up in Sunday school. I sang in the junior choir. I even taught Sunday school myself, and my family modelled being kind to one another.
I don’t know what happened, but somewhere along the line I just dropped God. So, as God works, he put people in my path to help me.
I came across a dear friend who I had known for many years. She was so peaceful, loving, kind. I just wanted to be in her presence. She had something and I wanted it.
We were driving in the car and I asked her, “Can you tell me about God?” I told her all the feelings that I was having and what I was going through. She said, “I think this deserves a trip to Tim Horton’s.” We got in the car, but we only got as far as the parking lot. We didn’t even make it inside.
We talked and talked, and that night I was born again. I knew what I needed, and I knew what was missing in my life. God takes you from where you are and moves you forward. That’s exactly what he did with me. And it was beautiful. God is good. God is great. He sent his Son to die on the cross for you because he loved you so much.
This week I’ve been staining my deck, and I got a huge blister on my hand, right in the middle. It’s been reminding me all this week of Jesus being nailed to the cross, and that is a gift. It is the greatest love story ever written, and so is this book, His word. He loves you. He gave his Son for you. He will be there for you. Amen.
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