Finding God in ordinary places Part 5
- Part 1: Finding God in Ordinary Places
- Part 2: Think of These Things
- Part 3: Searching the Heart
- Part 4: Failure and Forgiveness
- Part 5: Hearing His Voice
- Part 6: Meeting God at Church
- Part 7: God at Work
- Part 8: I Know God Cares
I started running in my mid thirties. My dog, Lady, always ran the first two miles with me. She was incredible. If she knew what I wanted she would do it. She ran unleashed close behind me and slightly to my left. She would not be distracted by squirrels or cats. She loved to run with me and having her with me brought me joy. I liked her company.
One morning as Lady and I were running I somehow got a picture in my head of a golden colored dog running across the lawn of the blue house up ahead, running straight at us. I saw Lady jump in front of me to protect me and a nasty dog fight ensued.
Runners know where every dog on their usual routes live and whether they are friendly or not. I even carried a fourteen inch stick to fend of the more aggressive ones. I had never seen a dog of that description in the area and I knew there was no dog at that house. Somehow, I also knew that picture came from God.
I stopped and took the leash out of my pocket and fastened it on Lady’s collar. We continued our run. At the blue house, a big golden dog ran across the lawn and came right at us. Lady was on the leash and there was no dog fight. I raised my stick and yelled. The dog backed down.
God has often spoken to me in different ways. Once in black and white in answer to a prayer. Other times He has spoken deep within my soul. Sometimes there has been just a real knowledge that something was true. This was the first time He had spoken this way. For me, it was an amazing reassurance of His love and constant presence in my life when I needed it.
As we continue growing with God, we need to spend enough time with Him to recognize His voice and to be aware of His amazing presence. What a privilege to walk (or run) through daily life with Him.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. – John 10:27-28
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