My friend called to invite me to a book club that met on Tuesday nights. Like her, I love to read, and thought to myself “Why not ?” I love a good book! Well, it turned out the book was by a favourite author but the topic was one I wasn’t so sure I wanted to read about.
Shades of Light was the book, by Sharon Garlough Brown, and it explored the issues around mental health, family, and faith. That touched a little close to home for me and I was having second thoughts, but I went anyway. It wasn’t easy some nights, but it was positive and thought provoking. Good discussions surrounded the small room as we sat on wooden chairs on cool October evenings.
As we dove into the book, the mom (a main character I could relate to) talked about the significance of acorns. To her they represented God’s sustaining power, His protection and His love. She talked about how they were a tangible reminder.
Cool, I thought, that’s neat.
A few days later I stood at the edge of the Kennebecasis river, waiting for my husband to park the truck. We were heading out in our kayaks for a paddle. I looked forward to the peacefulness. Seeing snapshots of golden autumn beauty as we navigated the beautiful waterways of the valley where we live. It’s a favourite activity of ours; one that we have been doing together for many years. A healing time, a time of reflection and sometimes prayer. Peaceful, restful, soul-healing hours spent dipping our paddles into the pewter river.
As I stood waiting in the quiet, I heard a ‘plop’ sound. I looked over and saw a tiny acorn fall from a huge stately oak tree. The tree’s branches were so long they hung over the edges of the river where it met the sandy beach. Soon I heard another plop, plop, plop. My eyes widened and my heart quickened as I watched acorns fall into the water and onto the sand.
It was ‘raining acorns’.
I laughed and my smile stretched wide as I walked over and started gathering handfuls of acorns and stuffing them into my pockets. God was raining down an abundance of love notes and my heart swelled with awe and amazement.
How good and kind my Father is. He knew I needed this miracle of love.
By the time my hubby arrived back from the parking lot I was grinning and telling him about how it was raining acorns, and how it related to the book’s illustration of the symbol of the acorn. I wanted to dance and shout… and maybe I did a little!
God is not stingy in showing us in a thousand ways that His love for us is extravagant. Sunsets, sunrises, double rainbows, autumnal vignettes, bald eagles soaring above, a cardinal’s song, a grandchild’s hug, and moonlit evenings, to name a few.
And acorns raining down in abundance!
Even in the trials, tears, and tumult He is near and ready with a message reminding me of His love, protection, and sustaining presence.
He promised there would be trials.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world. – John 16:33 (NIV)
But He also promised He would walk with me through them. And that He would overcome.
In my weakness I lean on Him. In the mess I fall on His mercy and again put my tiny hand in His. I walk with Him knowing I am loved, protected and sustained.
You are too, my friend, when you trust Him, you are too.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
Truly love Joanne’s postings .They are evident of a life that has triumphed over huge challenges and are a rich source of blessing.So hoping for a book with all of her work .