Summer days and sunshine, June’s full moon and the longest day.
Bird songs, a squirrel’s chatter, and the buzz of a bumble bee.
Fuchsia hanging planters on the porch. Pork chops sizzling on the neighbour’s barbecue.
Fireflies. Sunsets. Strawberry shortcake.
A long day at the beach with sandy toes and a sunburned nose.
Yes, summer, I sigh. I breathe it all in.
Deeply, slowly, savouring the moments so they don’t race by in a blink. But they do anyway – they always do. I blink and mid-August mornings smell like a fall breeze.
But here, today I savour all of the ‘summer’ness.
Why do I love summer so? I don’t know, except I do. It’s the warm and the cheery sun and a day at the beach. My body soaks in the rays of sun – like beams of light and life. Everything in nature seems more ALIVE – and well. Life’s hard and heavy things seem a bit lighter. Summer seems more kind and more healthy. Sweeter for the soul.
My toes curl in the warm salty sand. My hands pick up pretty shells and small white rocks for my collection. My chilly aching feet wade along the freezing waters edge. Sea gulls sing their crying screech against the salty breeze.
Driftwood art hangs on my wall. Sea glass necklaces adorn my neck. Pretty shells adorn my house’s nooks and crannies.
Coastal beauty – it fills me up.
Being an island girl from a tiny rugged fishing community, raised beside beaches and wharves and creeks, I savour all the ways I can be outside in nature. Sitting there, with the sun on my head, sand in my toes, listening to the waves sing, I feel the presence of God. His majesty speaks a thousand words I can barely whisper.
The ocean reflects His name. Rugged rocks display His handiwork.
White fluffy clouds call attention to His untouchable glory, His unspeakable gloriousness.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. – Psalm 19:1-4
I see it.
I feel it.
I love it – because I love the Creator.
The Beautiful One, Maker of my heart, Keeper of my heart.
Healer of my heart too. When my heart feels crushed and tossed about by waves of grief, He meets me with an outstretched hand. I can lean into Him when the salty tears wet my cheeks. He speaks in the soft breeze “Peace, be still, and know that I am God.”
He created my eyes to ‘see’ and my ears to ‘hear’ His melodies of unwavering , matchless , lavish LOVE. Towards me. Towards you.
For all of us spinning wildly around on this green and blue planet of beauty.
I sing in the summer of His LOVE.
I rest in the meadow of His PEACE.
And in His HOPE.
The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love. – Psalm 33:5
Awwww I love this because I love summer too.This is more like poetry than prose Joanne.You touch all of our senses with your posts.Keep writing for sure and praising God for His goodness.