I have unanswered prayers. I have trouble I wish wasn’t there. I am trying to understand how to walk this weary land. When my world is shaking, heaven stands. When my heart is breaking, I never leave your hands. I know you hate to see me cry. One day you will set all things right. Your hands that shaped the world are holding me, they hold me still.
These are some of the beautiful lyrics from JJ Heller’s song “Your Hands”
Knowing that the God who spoke the world into existence is in control is the single most thing that gives me a sense of stability in the midst of what would otherwise be chaos. God is in the midst of whatever we are facing.
He will hold us up if we seek Him.
He is working for our good whether we can see it or not.
He has promised to restore us fully in Heaven if we trust in Him.
He holds us in His hands.
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