Cindy recently wrote a post for Well Christian Woman called Live It Well. She quoted this verse from Psalms, which has been running through my mind on replay these days…
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
Our days are numbered. Now there’s a sobering thought ladies! There is a limit to the time we have here to do what God has called us to do. The fact that I’m now looking at 40 in the rearview mirror has probably stimulated my reflection on this. I have been taking serious stock of what I am spending my time on… and what I am wasting my time with. The truth is, I am guilty of wasting a lot of time. I believe we all are. I’m not talking about the kind of stuff that is obvious and easy to fix: overcommitted schedules, too much time on social media – those are no-brainers.
So let’s talk about why we really don’t have time. What is it that really zaps our passion and limits our productivity? For most of us, the issue is much more insidious and damaging than over-full schedules. It robs us of our joy, our energy, and our potential to live the life He’s calling us to live.
I’m talking about insecurity. That oh-so-effective tool the enemy uses to take our focus off of serving Him and others and keep it squarely on ourselves. Instead of being the highly effective women of God we are called to be, we waste precious time focusing on our own shortcomings and weaknesses, whether they are real or imagined. We compare ourselves to others and come up short, sacrificing passion and productivity to doubt and indecision.
“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I still trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galations 1:10)
The longer I am on this planet and the more women I meet, the more I am certain of this: we as women are wasting time by giving in to our insecurities. I am constantly shocked by the number of women I meet who are quite simply amazing, yet struggle with confidence issues that are holding them back. Women who are wise, capable, and strong who admit that they struggle to feel confident in their abilities and even in their own value. Women who feel God calling them to do important work for Him, but ignore that call because they don’t feel they are smart or capable enough. I have certainly been held back by my insecurities, and chances are that you have too.
Ladies, we don’t have time for this! We are here for a reason and the days that we have to live out our purposes are numbered. We are wasting time as we wait to feel ready. Those voices in your head that are telling you that you aren’t up for it? They are not coming from Him.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2Tim 1:7)
Did you catch that truth? If you are feeling timid and afraid as you step out in what God is leading you to do, those feelings are not coming from Him. You have the power in Him to move forward and not be held back by these insecurities.
I don’t pretend to have easy answers in this department. I have spent a good chunk of my life working on this issue myself. There is no easy fix. I have a suspicion that God hasn’t just ‘zapped’ away this problem for me because He knows I need a constant reminder that my strength is in Him alone. One thing I do know… I can’t afford to keep using the excuse of not having perfect, unwavering confidence to keep me from doing what He’s asking me to do.
I have three daughters who can’t wait for me to get it together in my own time. They need me now. They need a mom who is confident in her decisions, who doesn’t waste time and energy second-guessing everything. They need to see a woman who is stepping out in God’s leading despite her fears. These girls are watching us ladies, and they see everything. They see us victorious over our insecurities… or they see us holding back and giving up as soon as we feel unqualified or uncomfortable.
There is crucial work to be done and it is way too important to be wasting our time and energy giving in to counterproductive ideas. So let’s have the courage to reject that ‘spirit of fear and timidity’. Let us step out in faith, knowing that whether or not we feel ‘up to the task’, He always is. His power is more than sufficient for our weaknesses.
“We don’t have long here. We don’t have time to waste on infighting, foolishness and fear. We don’t have months to drum up the approval of all our peers. We don’t have years to keep procrastinating. Let’s not just plan to do what it takes. Let’s do what it takes. The joy of the Lord, my friend, is our strength.” (Beth Moore, Entrusted)
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