She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. – Proverbs 31:25
A week before I was scheduled to go for some very invasive medical treatments last November, a friend of mine sent me a beautiful print of this verse in Proverbs 31. At first glance, this may seem like a strange choice to send to someone in my circumstances. Strength and dignity, sure… but laughter?
There is freedom in the ability to laugh in the face of whatever tomorrow brings. This passage is speaking about choosing courage and strength over the fear of tomorrow. It was the perfect verse to receive at that time and a great encouragement. Especially as I had already been praying this verse over my life every day for the six days prior to its arrival. God works and intervenes in our lives in many ways that we often discount as coincidence.
The week before it came, I had been chatting with a friend about life and how we never seem to live up to our good intentions. About how we fail to be the women we want to be. How we often find ourselves worrying about failing as mothers, wives, and friends. How we slip into irritation with our husband’s and impatience with our children. How we compare ourselves to others and come out either prideful or self-loathing in the process. How we live in fear and worry about the maybes of tomorrow instead of living out grace, love, and generosity today. How it’s so much easier to focus on things that don’t matter or haven’t even happened yet rather than focusing on the gift of grace and love Christ offers us.
We agreed to pray for each other about this and decided we should have an anchoring scripture to help remind as each day of our goals. Proverbs 31 came to mind as it captures the essence of being a supportive wife, mother, and leader who is industrious, generous, godly, and beautiful in all the ways that matter and last.
So I had been reading this passage each day with a particular focus on Proverbs 31:25. I wanted to live with greater grace and love and less fear and worry over what tomorrow might bring. To live intentionally with more patience and forgiveness for others and myself. To focus on how God would have me live in today instead of worrying about what mistakes or bad circumstances I might encounter tomorrow. To learn and grow more in the characteristics that are pleasing to God and to choose His freedom over my fear.
Ultimately to ‘laugh’ at whatever tomorrow may hold knowing that this life is fleeting; a practice, if you will, that is preparing us for eternity with Christ. We can trust God to provide us with enough strength and courage for he has promised to go before us and come behind us.
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. – Deuteronomy 31:8
Imagine if we as women would all choose to live more intentionally, choosing His freedom over our fear. Our lives and all of those around us would be more filled with joy and peace. Let’s be purposeful in our ‘laughter’ today as we choose strength and dignity through Him.
Thank you for wise words!