Finding peace in the trials of life can be difficult, but true peace is offered by Jesus and you can find true peace by seeking Him. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives, do not let your hearts be troubled, do not be afraid.” John 14:27
Finding Peace
Modified Transcript:
Peace is something that I think we’re all looking for. We all love gazing at the sunset. We all love when our kids go to bed and the house is quiet and cleaned up. But I think that we’re searching for something a lot more than the day to day things that bring us a sense of peace. We’re searching for an inner peace. Something that’s bigger than ourselves.
I know I’ve certainly needed to search for it and seek it in a much bigger way in the last few months. As some of you will know, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, at 42, with three small children. This is something that is not a very peaceful situation to be in.
What is amazing, and has been part of this journey over the last several weeks, is that it actually has been very peaceful for the most part. There have been moments where you don’t feel that peace, but what is incredible is that God’s peace has been a tangible presence for us.
It’s not just an idea that I “should” feel at peace, and I’m “supposed to” feel at peace, but actually, there’s a true calmness and sense of just being that is different than I think I’ve ever felt before in my life.
Sometimes maybe hard circumstances allow you to feel something different, I don’t know. Whatever it is, it’s wonderful that God can give us peace when we really search for it, and he tells us that he’s going to give it to us. In John 14:27, when Jesus is talking to his disciples about what they can expect when he’s no longer on earth with them, he makes a promise to them.
He says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
So whatever circumstances you are in, or that I’m in, even if we have a hard time wrapping our heads around it from an earthly perspective, we can know that we have peace in the present. We can feel it.
We have peace of something more. That’s one of the biggest things that really comes home to me. God loves my husband and my kids more than I do and that there’s hope for more. Whatever your circumstances, there is always peace in knowing that he is so much bigger than we are.
It doesn’t mean that it’s easy or that there aren’t struggles with that, but he’ll give us peace if we just keep coming back and seeking him. That’s an amazing thing that I hope encourages you as much as it does me.
Finding Peace Video on YouTube
Finding Peace Video on GodTube
I am so touched about what I am reading right now… You helped me deliver my second son a few months ago and you were so amazing and encouraging… I had such a good experience with you… You helped me gave life and I feel blessed that our path crossed for a short time… This morning, I thought of you, why I don’t know.. I even googled you… Why? I still don’t know… I was looking for some good news about a good gyneco from my province… What I found brought tears to my eyes.. But opened it… Maybe it’s the reason why this morning, I decided to google your name… God wanted to remind me how precious life was… And how important God can be at different points of our lives… He his there with you… And your beautiful personality still amazes me… At first when you helped me give life to Anthony, and now again, has you are being so stong and generous with what you are going thru… Even if we don’t know each other much, you truly touched me with your story and I will try to remember the lesson you are giving me now and for the rest of my life… Because nobody knows what’s up for tommorrow… Thank you for that… You are an amazing person!
Thank you so much for this, God has used you to encourage my day! Blessings