Like many of us, I am often afraid to show vulnerability and weakness, but God is not limited by my limitations. He wants us to do things despite our weaknesses and imperfections. He loves us just the same, and He wants to use us anyway.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9
Fear of Vulnerability
Modified Transcript:
Hi, it’s Cindy, and welcome to Well Christian Woman. This is my first video message so for those of you who don’t know me, I was a colleague and good friend of Kimberly’s, who, of course, was the founder of WCW.
When I was first asked to be part of WCW, I was deeply honoured but also very nervous. I struggle with being vulnerable and I knew in order to be an effective contributor to the ministry it was important for me to be able to open myself up. There was a chance I was going to have to expose some of my weaknesses and that was a fearful thought to me.
I have always been a person who has found it difficult to express my deeper emotions, I think that’s the way I have been wired, but I also find it very hard to admit faults and weaknesses. I think this comes from being afraid that others may criticize or judge me for it. I think myself, along with others, like to portray that everything is perfect and that we don’t have any problems. I think Christians sometimes can be worse because there is a higher level of expectation on us and we want to act like we have it all together and want to portray an image of perfection.
We know that’s not true at all.
What God has been teaching me this week is that in order to be effective in the ministries He has called me to, it is important that I am true to myself. It’s important that I not be afraid to make mistakes. God knows me better than I know myself and despite my weaknesses and imperfections, He loves me just the same.
I think sometimes He pushes us out of our comfort zones and stretches us in those areas where we don’t think that we are able to do something. He wants us to learn dependence on Him and grow closer to Him in and through that. These times can be really hard and challenging.
God has given me a scripture in these last few weeks that comes from 2 Corinthians 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. – 2 Corinthians 12:9
I’m learning that in and of myself, I don’t have the power or the qualifications or even the ability to do whatever it is that He has called me to do without His help. I’m learning that in particular this week. It’s been challenging for me to do this video, but with His grace and strength I have been able to have patience, have courage and preserve, as hard as it has been for me.
I think that when we are weakest we are actually stronger because when we open ourselves up and allow God to use us, we can be much more effective for ministry.
So this verse for me has been a real encouragement this week and I hope it can be an encouragement to you, that whatever God is calling you to, He will equip you and He will give you the strength in His power so His glory will shine through all He has called you to do.
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