Modified Transcript:
Hi, it’s Kimberley from Well Christian Woman.
Encouragements and blessings I think come in so many different forms, whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual. It plays such an important part of what we do and who we are, and what we can actually get and learn out of life I think.
I’ve been thinking about this a we have just been so encouraged and so blessed over the last few weeks from friends, families, co-workers, as I’ve had a diagnosis of metastatic cancer and people have just poured out to us in ways that I could never have imagined, whether it’s the nurses I worked with in Labour and Delivery sending beautiful Easter baskets for my kids at Easter so they would have them, the meals, the cards, just the words that people give, and the prayer. It’s so many things.
I have friends who wake up in the night to pray for me and that in of itself may seem great, but what is so amazing about that is that the nights that that happens are nights where inevitably my spirit has been a bit low and that is totally from God.
So, we get our encouragement from God and from the people God uses in our lives. He wants us to encourage others because that’s a blessing. So, we’re not only blessing others but we’re blessing ourselves.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 He says”: “therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
I think for me, as I have been on the receiving end of so much encouragement and so much blessing, it is a pay It forward kind of thing because not only do you receive from that but you want to give from that. When we can do that I think we are really living in what God wants for us.
It’s easy to tear each other down with our words, with our tone, especially sometimes our families and the people closest to us but if we can just see God and move away from that… I have been so guilty of that so many times when you come home tired after a day of work.
I’m working on remembering to try and be a blessing and encouragement to others, not only will they benefit from that, but we will show the fruits and feel the fruits from that. That’s what I want for my life and for everybody around us.
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